Becoming Villains 4: Malignant Tumors - Written by Fabian Nicieza. Art by Chris Batista and Rich Perrotta. Cover by Juan Bobillo and Marcelo Sosa.
The Thunderbolts on Counter-Earth must face off against Anomaly. Characters in this issue: Thunderbolts [Atlas [Eric Josten; Dallas Riordan]; Baron Zemo [Helmut Zemo]; Fixer [Paul Norbert Ebersol]; Jolt [Hallie Takahama]; Mach-3 [Abe Jenkins]; Moonstone [Dr. Karla Sofen]]; Young Allies [Bucky [Rikki Barnes]; I.Q. [Ishmael Questor]; Kid Colt [Benny]; The Rip; Toro [Benito Cerando] (all from Counter-Earth)]; Anomaly.