Reprints Uncanny X-Men #11,18, and 104, and Vision and Scarlet Witch (1st series) #4. Cover pencils by Yancy Labat, inks by Mark Morales. Cover to X-Men #11 reprint, pencils by Jack Kirby, inks by Chic Stone. "The Triumph of Magneto!," script by Stan Lee, pencils by Jack Kirby, inks by Chic Stone; Both the X-Men and the Brotherhood come into conflict with the mysterious Stranger and he ends up taking Magneto and Toad off into space with him "never to return." Cover to X-Men #18, pencils by Jack Kirby (layouts) and Werner Roth, inks by Dick Ayers. "If Iceman Should Fail--!," script by Stan Lee, pencils by Werner Roth, inks by Dick Ayers; With the rest of the X-Men captured, it is up to Iceman to beat Magneto single-handed and rescue Warren's parents; Xavier ends up calling the Stranger telepathically and the alien chases Maggie off, trying to take him back into space. Cover to X-Men #104 reprint by Dave Cockrum. "The Gentleman's Name is Magneto," script by Chris Claremont, pencils by Dave Cockrum, inks by Sam Grainger. Cover to Vision and the Scarlet Witch #4 reprint, pencils by Rick Leonardi. "Please Allow Me To Introduce Myself...!," script by Bill Mantlo, pencils by Rick Leonardi, inks by Ian Akin and Brian Garvey; Vision and the Scarlet Witch are visiting the Inhumans so that Wanda can meet her brother's new baby girl when Magneto arrives.
*Grading Notes: cover wavy due to way comic was bound.
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