Cover by Mark Fredrickson. Stories and art by Rick Geary, Gary Hallgren, Al Jaffee, Dick DeBartolo, John Caldwell, Phil McAndrew, Jeff Kruse, Darren Johnson, David Shayne, Arnie Kogen, Matt Lassen, Desmond Devlin, Barry Liebmann, Hermann Mejia, Richard Williams, Scott Nickel, Alex Cline, Peet Tamburino, Mark Stutzman, Jason Yungbluth, Tim Carvell, Christopher Baldwin, Tom Bunk, Charles Akins, Scott Bricher, James Warhola, Phil McAndrew, Douglas Paszkiewicz, Paul Gilligan, Nathan Bulmer, Tom Richmond, Peter Kuper, and Sergio Aragones, plus Fundalini Pages by Rick Tulka, Ward Sutton, Kenny Keil, Teresa Burns Parkhurst, Anton Emdin, Bob Staake, Kevin Pope, Bob Eckstein, Evan Waite, and Garth Gerhart. The return of "The Mad 20," featuring art by Rick Geary, Richard Williams, Gary Hallgren, and the Usual Gang of Idiots; this one features events from 2012, including George Zimmerman, the Lance Armstrong scandal, and the 2012 Apocalypse that wasn't. A parody of The Dark Knight Rises. Mad's takes on alternative medicine, "Eastwooding," and fortune cookies. Marginals by Sergio Aragones, and Spy vs. Spy. The Fundalini Pages; The Mad 20 Dumbest People, Events and Things of 2012; Spy vs. Spy; Planet TAD!!!!!; The Strip Club; A Mad Look at Alternative Medicine; The Dork Knight Reprises; The Best of The Idiotical; Fold-In.
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