Cover by Mark Fredrickson. Stories and art by Keith Knight, Drew Friedman, Al Jaffee, Dick DeBartolo, Desmond Devlin, Kenny Keil, John Caldwell, Scott Maiko, Jeff Kruse, Charlie Kadau, Scott Maiko, Matt Lassen, Scott Nickel, Nathan Bulmer, Brian Gordon, Joey Alison Sayers, Scott Bricher, Lance Hansen, Tim Carvell, Christopher Baldwin, Tom Bunk, Paul Coker, Jr., Hermann Mejia, Ward Sutton, Adam Koford, Irving Schild, Tom Richmond, Peter Kuper, and Sergio Aragones, plus Fundalini Pages by Jeff Kruse, Marc Hempel, Don (Duck) Edwing, Rick Tulka, Andrew J. Schwartzberg, Jacob Lambert, Sam Sisco, Kevin Pope, Anton Emdin, Scott Maiko, and John Caldwell. A parody of the first Hunger Games movie. Problems of aging monsters. Articles featuring art by indie cartoonists Keith Knight and Drew Friedman. Mad's takes on iPhone ads, airport security, and bucket lists. Marginals by Sergio Aragones, and Spy vs. Spy. The Fundalini Pages; The Hunger Pains; Everyday Annoyances of Elderly Monsters; Hazard Fraught Tools; The Chamberville City Town Orchestra Proudly Presents Least-Revered Classical Music - A Retrospective; The Mad Vault Article: A Mad Look At Airport Security; Planet TAD!!!!!; The Strip Club; A Bucket List For Underachievers; Spy vs. Spy; The 50 Worst Things About America; When Comic Strips Besides Doonesbury Address Controversial Women's Issues; An E*Trade Baby Ad We'd Like To See; Fold-In.
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