"Campfire Tales" Plot by Bob Harras and Terry Kavanagh. Script by Bob Harras. Pencils by Fabio Laguna. Inks by Scott Koblish. Cover by Mike Deodato and Tom Palmer.
Earth's Mightiest Heroes enjoy a wonderful upstate getaway to the Adirondacks! It's a fun time in the woods and water for Pietro, Crystal, Luna, Marilla, Lockjaw, Deathcry, Hercules, Magdalene, and the Swordsman! But a strange visitor to the Avengers' evening cookout changes the mood considerably. Tuc the Wanderer, a fortune teller, sits down next to the heroes and foreshadows their future. And a rather ominous future it is. Will Tuc's presages come true? Only time will tell. Or perhaps only The Crossing will tell.
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