You dug his four-issue examination of Ben Urich -- now Bendis fixes his microscope directly on Daredevil! What happens inside Matt Murdock when he pulls on the crimson mask? And when the human bomb named Nitro attacks, is the Man without Fear also the Man without Mercy? Plus: who is Mr. Silk -- and what does his appearance mean for the Kingpin?
"Alex and Brian are clearly a winning team -- Sam & Twitch showed that," said DD editor Stuart Moore. "When we started talking with Alex, it was just a natural; Brian had more stories about Daredevil that he wanted to tell, but they both really just got excited about working together again. And I think that energy will show on the pages. DD's an enormously important book for us -- it's the foundation that the Marvel Knights imprint is built on -- and I`m thrilled to have it in these guys' hands. Stylistically, this story will be much more focused on Matt Murdock/Daredevil himself than the current Bendis/David Mack four-parter, which is really Ben Urich`s story. The new material will really get into DD`s character and test him in some very difficult situations. Daredevil works best when it's a combination of pulp action and psychological thriller, and that's what Brian and Alex are putting together."
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