"A Hard Day's Night!" Industrial Revolution Part 1 of 2. Guest-starring the Fantastic Four, Iron Man, and the Hulk. Plot by Rob Liefeld and Jeph Loeb. Script by Jeph Loeb. Pencils by Ian Churchill. Inks by Jonathan Sibal and Lary Stucker. Cover by Ian Churchill.
Plot continues from Fantastic Four (1996 2nd series) #6. With Avengers Island on the brink of disaster, Bruce Banner journeys to the Baxter Building to seek assistance from his former college colleague! Reed agrees to help shut down the gamma core reactor and the FF and Bruce rush back to the island! However Iron Man is already on-site and planning to take care of the reactor himself! As the FF, Shell-Head, and the Avengers discuss what to do next; Bruce loses control and transforms once again into the Hulk! Oh my, the heroes have just gone from the frying pan into the fire!